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Professional Ethics Principles

Purpose of this document is to determine the principles regarding the use of the brands and certificates that Akademi NDT has given to organizations in accordance with the relevant standards, guides and regulatory requirements.


TÜRKAK Guide R.10.06 Conditions for the Use of the TURKAK Accreditation Mark by Accredited Organizations

Logo/Brand: The symbol that Akademi NDT uses to introduce its own name and the symbol that Akademi NDT uses to show the certification status of the people/organizations it certifies.

Certified personnel, General Manager, Management Representative and Personnel Certification Department Manager are responsible for the implementation of this procedure.

5.1. The conditions specified in this procedure must be fulfilled by all persons certified by AKADEMİ NDT.

5.2. Akademi NDT has the right to change the terms specified in this procedure without prior notice.

5.3. Persons certified by Akademi NDT must take measures to prevent the use of the Akademi NDT brand by certified personnel or any third party. The right to use the document and trademark cannot be transferred to a third party or successor.

5.4. Usage rights of Akademi NDT logo is solely belongs to Akademi NDT

5.5. When Akademi NDT request information about brands and certificates usage information, the certificated people have to disclose this information.

5.6. If certified personnel do not use the certificate or trademark in accordance with this procedure, the Management Representative is responsible for recording the non-compliance and initiating the necessary corrective action, suspending or withdrawing the certificate and trademark, disclosing the violation to the public and initiating other legal actions.

5.7. If third parties use the AD trademark without permission, AD initiates legal action.

5.8. Following the successful completion of the certification process, AKADEMİ NDT makes the AKADEMİ NDT brand available to the customer and requests the customer to comply with the logo usage rules published on when referring to the certification status in communication media such as the internet, documents, brochures or advertisements.

5.9. AKADEMİ NDT trademark should not be used in a way that may cause misinformation about a person’s certification status. This situation requires the person's license to be suspended.

5.10. Certificates issued by AKADEMİ NDT should be used only within valid certificate’s scope

5.11. When certificate’s scope is narrowed, certificate holder must change scope of their operations accordingly.

5.12. AKADEMİ NDT certificate holder has the right to use AKADEMİ NDT on promotional material within the rules described in this procedure.

5.13. The use of the AKADEMİ NDT brand together with the TÜRKAK accreditation mark must be made in accordance with the rules specified in the TÜRKAK Guide R.10.06 Conditions for the Use of the TÜRKAK Accreditation Mark by Accredited Organizations.

5.14. AKADEMİ NDT brands can only be used in black and white colors other than their original colors.

5.15. AKADEMİ NDT brand can be used on promotional materials and documents related to an activity that is not within the scope of certification.

5.16. AKADEMİ NDT brand can be used on business cards printed for the personnel of the certified company or for the certified person.

5.17. AKADEMİ NDT brand is used only on Akademi NDT vehicles.

5.18. AKADEMİ NDT brand can be used on buildings or company flags with permission.

5.19. The area where the AKADEMİ NDT brand is used should be in a different color that can show the brand in detail.

5.20. AKADEMİ NDT brand should not be placed on the product, nor should it be used in a way that implies product and service approval.

5.21. AKADEMİ NDT brand should not be placed on laboratory tests, calibration, test and surveillance reports and other documents related to the product.

5.22. AKADEMİ NDT brand should not be used in a way that gives the impression that AKADEMİ NDT takes responsibility for the activities of the certified customer.

5.23. Persons whose certificates have been suspended, whose certificates have expired or whose certificates have been canceled by AKADEMİ NDT must immediately stop using and distributing various certificates, reports, promotions, advertising materials, etc. containing the AKADEMİ NDT brand. The person whose certificate has been canceled must submit his document to AKADEMİ NDT within fifteen (15) days.

5.24. The person must not use his/her certificate in a way that could damage the reputation of AKADEMİ NDT or the certification system or cause loss of public trust.,

5.25. No part of the Academy NDT Logo should be changed, cut, reduced in a way that prevents the text from being read, and its colors should not be changed. The real version of the logo is as shown below

5.26. There should be no distortion of the AKADEMİ NDT brand and no changes in the brand format. If there is any tear on the document, damage that prevents it from being understood, etc., in these cases the use of the document should be discontinued and an application should be made to AKADEMİ NDT along with the old document to renew the document. When it comes to renewal of the document, AKADEMİ NDT requests a document fee from the document owner for the new document printing. Printed copies without original signatures are uncontrolled copies.

5.27. The documents provided within the scope of personnel certification activities are the property of AKADEMİ NDT, and the person has the right to use the document as long as the certification procedures and/or processes are followed and the document is valid.

5.28. If the owner of the document issued within the scope of personnel certification activities loses their document, they must apply to AKADEMİ NDT with a petition regarding the published loss notice.

Rev. No Tarih Açıklama
00 02.01.2017 First issue
01 01.10.2023 TÜRKAK Guide R.10.06 Conditions for the Use of TÜRKAK Accreditation Brand by Accredited Organizations has been added to the references.
The description of the Guide has been added.
Word errors have been edited.