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Professional Ethics Principles

This document describes the principles adopted by Akademi NDT Non-Destructive Testing and Engineering Services in its national and international personnel certification activities.

  1. The purpose of Academy NDT in personnel certification is to certify a person's individual competence to perform a task or a job in the field of non-destructive testing.
  2. Akademi NDT ensures that certification is granted only to individuals who prove their competence, based on objective evidence obtained after a fair, valid and reliable evaluation and without being influenced by other interests or other parties.
  3. Akademi NDT acts in a responsible manner that will give confidence to the relevant parties regarding its competence, impartiality and honesty.
  4. Akademi NDT has established its procedures against threats to impartiality such as self-interest relationships, familiarity, intimidation, financial manipulations, etc. and operates them properly.
  5. Akademi NDT has physically protected the confidentiality of the evaluation tools used in its personnel certification and the private information of the certified personnel.
  6. Akademi NDT is transparent about its certification processes. For this purpose, it uses public information instruments.
  7. Akademi NDT ensures that the relevant parties are not exposed to errors, negligence or unreasonable behavior, with the procedures it has established and its boards consisting of impartial persons, in order to ensure the effective resolution of complaints and objections that may arise regarding the certification processes.
  8. Akademi NDT has the necessary financial resources for the operation of the personnel certification process and adequate arrangements to meet its relevant obligations.